Sorry if this is a repeat suggestion or there's some sort of script out there for it.
I have a whole load of animated icons, and I pretty much want to use them. XD But picture spamming up my website or other places isn't really polite to those nice enough to look the pages, because some people don't like those kinds of things.
I've always wanted to use them with MSN, so maybe it'd be a nice thing to add (For laughs and giggles between friends since emotes kind of shrink things). 8D Though I know this would be annoying for some people as well, so maybe add in an option that would turn off animated DPs?
Who knows. Just a suggestion. ^^;
Yet again. Sorry if this is a repeat or there's a script out there.
If there's a script out there. Care to be nice enough to direct me the right way? ;D