I'm constantly anoyed by an error as I try to assign a varable:
function OnWndOptEvent_CtrlClicked(PlusWnd,ControlId) {
if(ControlId == "BtnOK") {
Key = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" + BackSlash + "Software" + BackSlash + "Microsoft" + BackSlash + "MSNMessenger" + BackSlash + "PerPassportSettings" + BackSlash + Messenger.MyUserId + BackSlash + " DefaultSignInState", {
Value = WndOpt.Combo_GetCurSel("CmbStatus"); // line 129
Type = "REG_DWORD";
The debugger shows "error in line 129: ':' is expected".
In another script I use
exactly the same method and it works.
Does Messenger have a bad day today?
Thanks in advance..