there are ways to remove the ads,
As willz now disguises his file names, you will need to edit the files that point towards 920, 923 and 949. In the current version (he may decide to rename the files yet again) these files are:
920 Chat windows - ui/definitions/vrdrtgjhg.txt
923 Main Window (contact list) - ui/definitions/gbhvgdrt4t.txt
949 File Sharing - ui/definitions/aeegttfy5tygvh.txt
We're not permitted to talk about the specifics of removing ads on this forum (Patchou's decision) but there may be a certain tutorial on a forum to do with msg stuff
that tells you exactly what you'll need to add/edit.
Willz has altered some element names though in his texts however it is still possibly to remove them if you know whereabouts you're looking.