Originally posted by stuartbennett
the simplist explanation is that messenger plus live 4.60.326 is somehow causing the problem and that the installation of this newest build of messenger plus live causes such deep curruption of the vista operating system that installing the build will force skin users to have to reformat their pc's everytime they wish to import a new skin, this is the only logical explanation i can think of.
Simpliest explanation is deep core corruption??? a reformat?????? I think that's taking it all way too far.
Also, what do you mean by "I can not install skins". Remember that skin packs are actually nothing more than renamed ZIP files. So the first thing to see/test is if a renamed zip can be unzipped and imported.
Reinstalling Plus! will solve nothing at all in such cases. And reformatting niether.
And seeing that error, there is nothing to indicate that this is a fault of Plus! or Vista since it says that the file, the skin pack, is corrupted.... So, the first thing to check would be if you actually have downloaded a valid skin pack. Most of such corruption errors are caused by a bad download connection or a download which ended too soon (and thus the file didn't got downloaded fully). And since most browsers store stuff in their cache, redownloading will not help either, unless you first clear the cache.