O.P. RE: Want to start writing my own scripts...please, someone help
Thanks, that helped.
However I've run into a new snag. I'm reading instructions to make a toast, to myself. For someone that's never touched script writing before it is not as easy as all the documentation touts.
I'm actually finding this a very frustrating process. *sigh*
I just want someone to tell me line-by-line how to write a script to do what ever I want. Nothing in this documentation instructions me how to manipulate, or modify WLM/MP!L.
This has not been a very fun experience.
Is there a "Script writing for MP!L for dummies"? I need very basic step-by-step instructions on how to write my script. Can anyone help?
This post was edited on 06-13-2008 at 09:05 PM by gullom.