O.P. Skinning - Options Panel and About Window suggestions
These are some suggestions for the Options Panel and the About window of skins.
We should be able to:
+ put a minimize button to the options panel and the about window
+ decide the title of the windows
+ use the entire window and not only a part of it (e.g. we set width to 400 but finally it 410 pixels due to the fact that it is like a box in the panel)
+ put the buttons next to the OK or Cancel button so as to have things tidy
+ have tabs in order to save space and keep things more organized
+ put more than one link in a button and not only the AboutUrl
All these are supported by scripts and I think the reason is because skins use a ChildTemplate while scripts use a DialogTemplate.
Anyone who has more suggestions, please post them and I will add them here.
An example of a script that uses these features is Messenger Plus! Live Enhancer.