Originally posted by CookieRevised
cool... ServerXMLHTTP seems promissing a first sight. the IXMLHTTP object needs a language to be set for viewing webpages in order to work if I read it correctly.
Yes, that ServerXMLHTTP thingy looks interesting, as the readyState property will only be set to 2 (LOADED) when the headers are already loaded, in contrast to the 'normal' XMLHTTP request where the LOADED state is set directly after send() is called. The ServerXMLHTTP also allows us to get partial data during the process...
I think I'll give this a try today.
EDIT: Okay, it doesn't work. The only way to get the partial data is through either the responseStream or responseBody properties, which are not supported by the JScript environment. If I try to get those properties, I get the following (Dutch) error:
De gegevens die nodig zijn voor deze bewerking zijn nog niet beschikbaar.
which means:
The data needed for this operation isn't available yet.
The responseText and responseXML properties aren't given any value during interactive mode, so they give the same error. This is quite sad, because it would have opened very interesting possibilities for scripting.