Originally posted by Monsta.
Do you mean like Hopper?
Nope, he doesn't.
He means a script, tool or addon which shows when someone opens a conversation with you. But this is not possible anymore.
Originally posted by sharci
hey guys, im searching for a certain script for msn-plus, which i had installed a few months ago, its name was like "msn-toast". with that script you were able to see in a toast-window, like when someone comes online, if someone is opening your chat-window. not more and not less than this. i lost that script because i've formatted my pc few days ago. if someone can help me out pls?
Those scripts, tools or addons no longer work since a very long time.
As T-PO said, read:
CookieRevised's reply to Question regarding a "close msg window logger"
And this very same question came up a few days ago again: 'contact opens chat window' notification