Originally posted by Mattike
Originally posted by SmokingCookie
In Error "DownLangsVersion", the word "wou" is slang (or: "spreektaal"), I think it should be "wilde"?
According to this page on taaladvies.net, "wou" is less used in writing language then "wilde" but therefore not incorrect. In my opinion, "wou" sounds better than "wilde", so I cba to change the translation just for that. If you prefer to use "wilde", who am I to stop you from modifying the translation and change every "wou" into "wilde"?
Correct, but that is also the thing which is wrong
You shouldn't use "speaking" language for things like that but "writing/reading" language; "wilde" is in this context the most correct form.
"Wou" also comes from an old, less used, verb, while "wilde" is far more modern language.
* CookieRevised gives SmokingCookie some faster tubez (only to be used in hotel) and a reminder ticket...