done.. but no GUI (using win32 msgbox) .. a quick 5 minute script
Tested and works
var max = 8; // Automatically block incoming multi-conversations if number of participants exceeds this number. 0 to disable.
var blockall = false; // Block all incoming multi-conversations.
function OnEvent_ChatWndCreated(ChatWnd){
if(ChatWnd.Contacts.Count < 2) return;
Debug.Trace("Multi-conversation detected.");
if((ChatWnd.Contacts.Count > max && max > 1) || blockall){
Interop.Call('User32', 'PostMessageW', ChatWnd.Handle, 0x0111, 20001, 0x0000);
Debug.Trace("A multi-conversation was blocked. Reason: Exceeded variable max");
} else {
Debug.Trace("Building participant list...");
var participants = "";
for(var e = new Enumerator(ChatWnd.Contacts);!e.atEnd();e.moveNext()){
participants += "- " + MsgPlus.RemoveFormatCodes(e.item().Name) + " (" + e.item().Email + ")\n";
if(Interop.Call('User32', 'MessageBoxW', ChatWnd.Handle, 'An incoming multi-conversation was detected.\nList of participants:\n' + participants + 'Would you like to participate?', 'Multi Convo Blocker', 68) == 7){
Interop.Call('User32', 'PostMessageW', ChatWnd.Handle, 0x0111, 20001, 0x0000);
just edit the top options