The STOP 0xC000021A error occurs when either Winlogon.exe or Csrss.exe fails. When the Windows NT kernel detects that either of these processes has stopped, it stops the system and raises the STOP 0xC000021A error. This error may have several causes. Among them are the following:
• Mismatched system files have been installed.
• A Service Pack installation has failed.
• A backup program that is used to restore a hard disk did not correctly restore files that may have been in use.
• An incompatible third-party program has been installed.
There are a few different causes, not just a "failed service pack". do you know what that means anyway? It means the installation was not successful. I know loads of people with SP3 installed so how is it specifically SP3 that is the problem? It is because the installation didn't complete... (maybe some files were still in use for example)
It's people like you going on MS rants that gives the company a bad name, when the haven't done anything wrong. Yes MS makes lots of mistakes, but to be fair, they have pioneered a lot of things and get slated for them when they go wrong =/