1. Pokemon Red [Gameboy]
Provided many months of entertainment, was my first ever game that i could carry in my pocket
2. Diddy Kong Racing [N64]
Taken from my brother after he decided to leave the family, parents kept it for me along with a couple of other games.
3. Pokemon Stadium [N64]
Back in the days when Pokemon was popular, this was the game to have in the UK
4. Spyro the Dragon [PS1]
A game that my family tried all together to complete, fun for all sorta game
5. Tomb Raider 1 [PS1]
Another game the family strived to complete, back in the days when games had good story lines.
6. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare [Xbox 360]
The highlight of next generation gaming, definately one of the best games to hit the planet in terms of its capabilities.
7. Medal of Honor 1 [PS1]
Another game that provided me with days and days of entertainment, was my first FPS experience.
Can't think of any other games that were great or have been that great for me so yeah