jscript code:
var node = xml.selectNodes("game[@name='FIFA06']/title");
This would assume that the "game" node is at the root of your document, but it isn't. There are a few ways to do this in the correct way:
jscript code:
var node = xml.selectNodes("gameslist/game[@name='FIFA06']/title");
var node = xml.selectNodes("//game[@name='FIFA06']/title");
var node = xml.selectNodes("/*/game[@name='FIFA06']/title");
Also, because I think that you don't want two game nodes to have the same name attribute, you can simply avoid using selectNodes and use selectSingleNode instead:
jscript code:
var node = xml.selectSingleNode("gameslist/game[@name='FIFA06']/title");
var info = node.text;
Hopefully this works for you.