Originally posted by Spunky
It's not hard to figure out WHO it's coming from... You have to do some stuff with a header to find the filename and filesize and if you could also figure out how far the transfer has completed. Unless they wanna put the script up, I doubt anyone else will wanna do this...
Figuring out who it is coming from isn't that hard, but there are a lot of other things to take into consideration, such as:
- Messenger sometimes uses the existing conversation connections, but sometimes connects directly meaning we have to listen on another port. Not sure if we ever figured out when/why each is used.
- If the file already exists, we need to figure out the new filename so we move the correct file.
- Polygamy. Only file transfers with the current messenger instance need to be detected, I think we had this working though.
- Xniff as you probably know, it's not very reliable and doesn't work at all for some people. If anyone can come up with a bulletproof way of detecting all incoming traffic, I can try and find time to work on this again because this was one of the main reasons we stopped working on it.
Probably a lot more stuff I can't think of right now, the more we worked on it the more problems there were.
And yes, it should probably be possible to get the current transfer progress if we could reliably detect the transfers in the first place.