Originally posted by elach
I have the same problem. It keeps coming back even after I change the message code at IMWarningMsg, so I tried deleting the WarningMsgCount, it just made another one. Then I tried putting a variable value in there instead of a DWord, but it just changed it back.
I knew my other computer didn't have the problem, so I tried copying everything over from that registry. There was 1 key that was missing that seems to have fixed the problem.
Using Regedit, go to \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MSNMessenger\PerPassportSettings\2616624179 <--Substitute this number for whatever one your account is, this number is your msn account.
Then right click, add new DWord, Name = SMSPromoCount Value = 2
(Some people have 5, I have 2, don't know what that does.)
Make sure you also change IMWarningCount to 5.
SMSPromoCount stops it from resetting, but if it's at 2 or 3, it will have to count UP to 5 before it freezes.
Afterwards, it shouldn't be there anymore. Give it a try.
(If you aren't sure about which MSN account yours is, and you have several, either change them all, or try this program. I found it on the forum, works great, no virus/trojans.)
That solution works perfectly