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The world's most advanced keyboard?
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RE: The world's most advanced keyboard?
The Logitech Di Novo keyboard is in NO WAY shape and especially form the world's most advanced keyboard. That title belongs to the Kinesis advantage Qwerty-Dvorak keyboard at least and or the Maltron keyboard at best. As I understand it, outside of the software built into your computer, this STUPID excuse for a keyboard won't let you type in anything other than Qwerty. Perhaps the arguement is that it is the world's best Stupid keyboard, slimmest, most square looking, most Fung Shui, or any of a number of arguements such as most tactile has the best gives the best finger feel or some other characteristic of which I am sure it has many. But to argue that it is the world's best keyboard is like arguing that roller skates will get you from San Francisco to Los Angeles when you skate down the Coastal High Way faster than a fully functioning Lamborgini after they remove all speed limits.

For my money, the worlds ultimate keyboard at this time would be a Maltron-Dvorak switchable keyboard of which Maltron is now (I think I saw) producing. But in practical terms the world's best keyboard layout is the Dvorak. The reason for this is that a Maltron is a physical form as well as a layout. Dvorak on the other hand is built on the Qwerty physical platform. And it is already pre-built into every computer in the world. At least it is built into all Linux, Macs and PC's.

Be sure to click on the links below for a treatise on the Dvorak layout. The reason I recommend the Dvorak keyboard is that for the cost of a letter or at the stroke of a pen whoever is the president of the United States can save the country triliions of dollars each and every year. Here are the facts as they stood in 1975. I saw this in a book called Future Facts. (if I recall right). Between the time the Dvorak was invented and 1975 the country lost over one trillion dollars in productivity. That was way before the advent of the PC and the Internet was a mere thought in it's Father's head. Now computers are ubiquitous, but the keyboard has persisted. In my opinion and certainly my personal experience this is due to the tenured system of education. I don't have to even have to look at the facts but I'm willing to bet that the most tenured teachers in this country are typing teachers. I made that call out of the air. Challenge me if you will. And correct me if I am wrong.

Sooner or Later the world will wake up and no one will be using the Qwerty keyboard that has cost the world so much in terms of time, money and health. And as each passing day goes on the transition will become more and more costly. But it will happen. Were it to happen today the best keyboard to take on the job would be the Dvorak keyboard as it increases productivity greatly, uses the same basic physical keyboard layout. and the change can be made by simply applying labels on top of most keyboards and using a software package to switch the keystrokes of the individual keys.

The last time I posted about this was in November of 2007 but as nothing has changed I feel that I must change. And the change that I am making is to become the world's foremost Dvorak keyboard advocate. I am beginning a campaign wherein I may even eventually have to run for congress just to be able to enter the legislation that makes the keyboard the only American Standard. But we now have a new president and this is my request of him. President Obama I am pleading with you to attend to this situation. You said yourself that we can all play our part. I held a platform meeting for your campaign but they would not let me add that suggestion to our recommendations. Please Mr. President take bold action.

The cost not to do so is phenomenal. Everyone who types on a Qwerty, whether or not they touch type does between 16 and 20 times MORE HARD PHYSICAL LABOR than those who type on a Dvorak. The cost is absolutely nothing. Zero, zip, nada. That is assuming that we do not require people to relabel their computers and the fact of the matter is that if people switch to Dvorak without being able to refer to the keys they actually learn at a much more accerated rate than even I did. And I never really studied the Qwerty although as I often was forced to use one I did learn some of the basics.

As America goes so will the rest of the world.

The facts about how much time energy and effort the Dvorak saves are so astounding that when first heard about it in Junior High School I refused to learn the Qwerty keyboard and instead took a voluntary F for typing. Since then I have learned the Dvorak and although I have never had formal lessons I type very well.

The facts are so astounding that the majority of the people who do end up reading my book: Ronald Reagan Anti-Christ tell me that if nothing else they are going to switch from Qwerty to Dvorak. And that brings me to my Biblical point. Jesus said: "And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." It was Ronald Reagan that cancelled the Truth in Advertising Law. He did it secretly. So secretly that some people don't even know that it is no longer the law of the land. They still assume that because someone says it in an ad it has to be true. Not so.

The Di Novo is a total piece of shit (And I don't mean it in a nice way as I am particularly fond of the stuff when it is useful such as when it comes out of ones ass. The DiNovo and every other Qwerty keyboard stinks) especially when you stop and think about all of the real keyboards that are out there. Here are a few that may be worth considering, especially if you type in Dvorak. Assuming that there are 50,000 typing teacher all making 100,000 dollars a year. That equals 5,000,000,000 or Five billion dollars a year. If we absolutely minimize my estimates to a saving of only 50,000,000,000 or 50 billion dollars a year we could let these DINOSAURS retire at full pay for the rest of their lives and still save the country 45,000,000,000 45 billion dollars each and every year.

Here's something for the Right Wing to salivate over. Think of how many more wars we could start with that money.

The facts are in the chapter The Design Science Revolution and the download is free. Even if you don't want to hear about Reagan being the Anti-Christ, Me as the "second" Christ, 911, Hurricanes, or Tornados, you owe it to yourself to get the 411 on the biggest thing to blow into town since Katrina.
11-24-2008 05:58 AM
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