Originally posted by Felu
More than 130 millions users information (atleast Name & Email) are pretty much, aren't they? You could send them a advertising broadcast and easily make that money back!
since it was ages ago that i signed up for facebook, i can't remember, but i would assume that in the sign up there is an "facebook would sometime like to send you emails about/from 3rd party companies....." and anyone with any sense says no/unticked the box, thus making selling names & emails on illegal.
even if by some miracle they legally sell every name & email, who in there right minds buys a product that has been spammed to them. granted i'd guess there is some (nutters) who would think, well facebook says its cool, so i want one. but most people would think, WTF are facebook doing, i didn't signup to x ammount of spam emails a day. they can go f*ck themselves, i'm not buying from them.
Originally posted by MenthiX
Active userbase is valued higher than technology... Twitter, Digg, Youtube... all those are free, easy to replace and for from exciting technology, but they are worth billions when you figure out how to monetize them properly. Everyone could build a twitter/digg/youtube clone, but you can't clone a userbase.
but why ? the information/users you're buying, are changing & likely to move on with in a few years
Originally posted by MenthiX
Neither does Google
maybe i should have widened the question, but saying nor does google/facebook/digg so on, doesn't help explained why