thanks, but in fact it is not a function activable from menu that i want to trigger.
and meanwhile i found a module : VB Script
' get windows "handle"
Set oWrap = CreateObject("DynamicWrapper")
oWrap.Register "USER32.DLL","FindWindowA","i=ss","f=s","r=l"
HWndWLM = oWrap.FindWindowA(vbNullString, "Windows Live Messenger")
Const WM_COMMAND = &H111
const wParam = 40233 ' CmdId example
const lParam = 0 '&H00000000
oWrap.Register "USER32.DLL","PostMessageA","i=huuu","f=s","r=l"
oWrap.PostMessageA HWndWLM,WM_COMMAND,wParam,lParam
thanks a lot