What are you doin'?
var OutFile = "C:\\Program Files\\Messenger Plus! Live\\Scripts\\Test\\NameChangerV1_30.plsc";
I suppose this is easier:
var OutFile = MsgPlus.ScriptFilesPath + "\\NameChangerV1_30.plsc";
Also xmlhttp.
responseText isn't very likely to equal "true", since xmlhttp.
responseText is the actual
content of a file. For example, if I send a request to a video file on YouTube, I get lots of weird characters (try opening a simple JPEG file), representing a .flv which is readable for any FLV player, but not for humans. Therefore, check xmlhttp.
readyState against 4 and xmlhttp.
status against 200. If they're both what they should be, you can begin downloading.
var File2 = MsgPlus.DownloadFile(url2, OutFile);
This one's
always true, as it indicates whether Plus! has sent the request successfully. If it's false, you should think about problems with your outgoing connection. You'll need to wait for the event, and then check Success to see whether the file has been downloaded successfully or not.