O.P. Messenger Plus 8.5 Problem
Hey there,
I have just tried installing the latest versin of Messenger Plus onto the Windows Live Messenger 8.5.1302.1018. However, it does not seem to work. The Plus menu is not there (and not even on the bar where you file, edit, actions etc.) and none of the functions work even though it is installed when I checked in the add/remove programs.
I have tried installing and reinstalling MSN and Messenger Plus and tried both versions of the Messenger Plus present. But it did not solve the problem. No, I am not running Smiley or SmileyCentral thingies (checked and double checked, never heard of those things anyways) and I don't think I am running GDP++ or whatever that is. I don't use skins or install anything else onto my MSN except Messenger Plus.
I run Windows Vista. It seems that I am not the only one on the forum having this issue but there does not seem to be a solution out there yet (as indicated by the search).
Thanks for your help.