Originally posted by marcosetorresc
I had the same problem and after going through the whole batch found the following:
Line 42 "SET LOGVIEWER=%LOGVIEWER:~18%" defines the variable %LOGVIEWER% after extracting the Path for Log Viewer.exe from the registry. This value comes in the form "AppDir REG_SZ C:\Program Files\Messenger Plus! Live\"
When it runs "SET LOGVIEWER=%LOGVIEWER:~18%" it is truncating the first 18 characters of the string, leaving it as "SZ C:\Program Files\Messenger Plus! Live\" when it should be leaving it as "C:\Program Files\Messenger Plus! Live\".
The problem is that the REG command in Vista will convert tabs to 4 spaces instead of leaving tabs to be tabs. So, the REG command does not output exactly the same thing as in XP for which these batch files were created.
Originally posted by marcosetorresc
How to solve this?
Since I don't exactly by how many characters it will differ on each case, here is a generic procedure:
Instead of doing all that you simply need to replace the line:
with the lines:
<tab> must be replaced with a TAB character.
<4spaces> must be replaced with 4 spaces.
Also note that there are a lot more ceavats in these batch files. They are designed for XP, not for Vista. Whenever I have the time I'll update them to the newer versions (which will tackle/fix a lot more problems which you could encounter when you run this on Vista).