You WLM doesn't reconnect to a different notification server after the XFR command
[18:02:25.01] 06ec Messenger: Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@00E26C00: Recv >XFR 3 NS U D<
[18:02:25.01] 06ec Messenger: Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSNet::ChangeStateMachineState: MNS_AUTHENTICATING => MNS_TRANSFERRING
[18:02:25.01] 06ec Messenger: Zone_HotmailService CMNSNet::Transfer@00E26C00: Reconnecting to
[18:02:25.01] 06ec Messenger: Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSNet::DisconnectInternal@00E26C00: called with hrDisconnect = 0x00000000
[18:02:25.01] 06ec Messenger: Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSNet::ChangeStateMachineState: MNS_TRANSFERRING => MNS_TRANSFERRING_DISCONNECTING
[18:02:25.01] 06ec Messenger: Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (00E28FA8) (2) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3016, error = 0, event = FD_CLOSE
It does seem to be some sort of firewall blocking the connection to a different NS (notification server).
EDIT: I assume WLM's connection troubleshooter only tests connecting to default NS server which is why that passes