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MP!L keys for Word's spell checker
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RE: MP!L keys for Word's spell checker
I did something similar some long time ago, but without a dictionary like this. Because, since the words are in the dictionary they are seen as 'ok'; This means that if such a word exists in the value also, it won't be detected as 'wrong' (And you constantly need to update the dictionary for new versions <= reason why I quit using a dictionary like this... too lazy to update it :p)

What you can do is write a VBA script which simply ignores the key name, topics and comments, and which also ignores special stuff and characters and even convert some sentences so they can be checked for grammar too (eg: replacing "Messenger Plus! Live" with "it"). Unfortunatly I've lost the macro script I once wrote for this. Though, it would be relative easy to even make this as a standalone Windows script using a Word object. If I only had the time :D someone?

Originally posted by Chancer
It works for Word 2007. Tell me if you test with others.
It should work for every version (even for other text editors too) since it is just a plane list of words, no special format.

Originally posted by Chancer
[*]Extract the file at X:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\UProof (Windows Vista) or X:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\Microsoft\UProof (Windows XP)

Directory highly depends on what your settings are. (but "UProof"? Shouldn't that be "Proof"). Anyways, best is to simply take a quick look in your Word settings to see where the dir is.

As a matter of fact, you can put it everywhere you like (eg: I suggest to put it in the Messenger Plus! languages folder!). Simply browse to it from within the dictionary settings and select the file and you're done. Also means that you can easly find it again and update it whenever it needs updating. ;)


Anyways, thanks for posting this, might be handy. In fact I'll start using it too, couldn't hurt anyways.

This post was edited on 02-03-2009 at 10:29 PM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
02-03-2009 10:11 PM
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Messages In This Thread
MP!L keys for Word's spell checker - by Chancer on 01-04-2009 at 02:41 AM
RE: MP!L keys for Word's spell checker - by ryxdp on 01-04-2009 at 03:11 AM
RE: MP!L keys for Word's spell checker - by Chancer on 01-04-2009 at 03:20 AM
RE: MP!L keys for Word's spell checker - by Chancer on 02-03-2009 at 07:49 PM
RE: MP!L keys for Word's spell checker - by Basilis on 02-03-2009 at 09:47 PM
RE: MP!L keys for Word's spell checker - by CookieRevised on 02-03-2009 at 10:11 PM
RE: MP!L keys for Word's spell checker - by Chancer on 02-04-2009 at 12:13 AM

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