Originally posted by whiz
How can I set it so that if the current user opens a window (there's an email variable called "UserEmail"), the blocker will ignore it?
I don't think it's possible to do that reliably.
The OnEvent_ChatWndCreated event only provides you with a ChatWnd object, AFAIK you can not determine exactly how and why it was opened.
What you could do to "guess" how it was opened, is store each ChatWnd.Handle in a global array, and set up OnEvent_ChatWndReceiveMessage to check who sends the first message to this ChatWnd. If it's not you, you probably didn't open the window.
Please note that above method is
not fool-proof at all!
Not only is there no reliable way to check who sent a message to a certain ChatWnd (think Chat-Only names and Custom names etc.), but there's also the possibility the ChatWnd was not opened by a message at all. It could be opened by e.g. a file transfer or a nudge, which don't trigger OnEvent_ChatWndReceiveMessage IIRC.