Hi everyone, hi Patchou,
I've been using Messenger Plus! for quite a while now and first of all I'd like to thank you for your awesome work, I believe Plus! makes WLM the best available IM.
I've come up with some ideas that should be useful to a lot of users and I think they are very easy to add. So here they are:
- User-specific subfolders in the My Received Files folder. This would help a lot in handling incoming files.
- Custom group order, different than the default alphabetic one. I usually find difficult to come up with the appropriate name for a group to see it on the top, for example.
A possibility for real time editing quick texts. An option would be nice not to send a certain quick text immediately after typing the trigger but display it in the message box instead to be able to edit it before sending.
I hope you like and consider adding these.