[ ] You drink a lot of tea.
[ ] You know what a brolly is.
[ ] Deal or No Deal has taken over your life.
[ ] You wanted Ben to win X Factor.
[ ] You use the word "bugger"or the phrase "bloody hell."
[ ] Fish and Chips are yummy.
[ ] You can eat a Full English Breakfast.
[ ] You dislike emos almost as much as you dislike chavs.
[x] It's football.... not soccer.
[ ] You wear flipflops all year.
[ ] You call flipflops "thongs" not flipflops.
[ ] You love a backyard barbie.
[x] You know a barbie is not a doll.
[ ] You love the beach.
[x] Sometimes you swear without realizing.
[x] You're a sports fanatic.
[ ] You are tanned.
[ ] You're a bit of a bogan.
[x] You have an Australian something.
[ ] The Sopranos is a great show.
[ ] Your last name ends in a vowel
[ ] Your grandmother makes her own sauces.
[ ] You know how a real meatball tastes.
[ ] You know Italian songs.
[x] You have dark hair and dark eye color.
[ ] You speak some Italian.
[ ] You are under 5'10''.
[ ] Pasta is the best food in the world.
[ ] You talk with your hands.
[ ] You say 'member instead of remember.
[ ] You speak Spanish or some.
[ ] You like tacos.
[ ] YoU TyPe LiKe ThIs On YoUr CoMpUtEr
[x] You are dark skinned.
[ ] You know what a Puta is.
[x] You talk fast occasionally.
[ ] You have had highlights or have dyed your hair.
[ ] You know what platanos are.
[ ] You say villian as: Vee-lon.
[ ] You have more than one vodka bottle in your house.
[ ] You know the difference between channel 1 and RTVI.
[x] You know of somebody named Natasha.
[ ] You don't get cold easily.
[ ] You sometimes get into contests
[ ] You can easily make do with the cold weather.
[ ] You eat sushi more than once a week.
[ ] You love listening to techno.
[ ] Your parents let you drink.
[ ] You know what a pizda is.
[ ] You have Pierogi at least once a week.
[ ] People always ask to see your "kielbasa" checking if your Polish.
[ ] People randomly call you their best friend.
[ ] You have made/know what pisanki are.
[ ] You laughed when Poland beat the USA in the 2002 World Cup.
[ ] You think beer is the best.
[ ] You have a bad temper
[ ] Your last name starts with a Mc, Murph, O', Fitz or ends with a y, on, un, an, in, ry, ly, y.
[ ] You have blue or green eyes.
[ ] You like the color green.
[ ] You have been to a St. Patty's day party.
[ ] You have a family member from Ireland.
[ ] You have blonde hair.
[ ] You have/had freckles.
[ ] You say nigga/nukka casually.
[ ] You have nappy hair.
[ ] You like rap.
[ ] You know how to shoot a gun.
[ ] You like chicken.
[x] You like watermelon.
[ ] You can sing gospel.
[ ] You smoke newports.
[ ] You have slanty/small eyes.
[ ] You like rice a lot.
[x] You are good at math.
[ ] You have played the piano.
[x] You have family from Asia.
[ ] You laugh sometimes covering your mouth.
[ ] Most people think you're Chinese.
[ ] You call hurricanes typhoons.
[ ] You go to Baulko.
[x] You like bread.
[ ] You think American Chocolate is good.
[ ] You speak some German.
[ ] You know what Schnitzel is.
[ ] You hate it when stupid people call you a Nazi
[ ] You went to Pre-school.
[ ] You're 5'4".
[ ] You like to ride 4 wheelers.
[ ] You love beer.
[x] You say eh.
[ ] You know what poutine is
[x] You speak some French.
[ ] You love Tim Horton's.
[ ] At one point you lived in the countryside
[ ] You watch Degrassi.
[x] You like french toast
[x] You like wine
[x] You speak a little or are fluent in french
[ ] You have eaten a snail.
[ ] You like fashion.
[x] You have been to France.
[ ] You are either a Catholic, a Muslim, a Protestant or a Jew
[ ] You hate foreigners.
[ ] You hate non-Christians.
[x] You've been to more then 3 states
[x] You're lazy.
[ ] You are not cultured.
[ ] You hate abortion
[ ] But love the death penalty.
[x] You don't read.
[ ] You shop at walmart.
[ ] You know what lepse is
[ ] You can speak some Norwegian
[ ] You love trolls.
[ ] You know what lutifisk is
[ ] You have been whale seeing.
[x] Food made with potatoes and flour rule
[x] Fish and/or whale is a huge part of your diet
[ ] You have blue or green eyes and have blonde or brown hair
[ ] You know how to fish and have fished before
A few comments..
Asia is
NOT a country
Neither is African American
The topic should really say "What race are you most like?" or some shizzle like that.. I don't know. I'm not really one who knows these things well
The questions under American are silly. India has 28 states, of course I've been to more than 3 of them in my 21 years here
Quite a huge population of today's youth (especially the regular internet going people) seem to be at least the tad bit lazy or procrastinating
And when I said I don't read, I meant I don't do it regularly.. reading cirriculum books don't count. Other than that I've read the 7 Harry Potter books, Dan Brown's Angels and Demons and Chetan Bhagat's 5 Point Someone
I'd call that "not reading"
My result is a tie between Australian (I have an australian something is ticked because.. well dt is mine
and French (that's cheating cause its the only country I've been to so far other than India