Originally posted by sh0rttie
so if i wanted to appear online when a certain someone goes on, would they see me sign in or i would be automatically online on their msn ?
If I understood the description correctly, as soon as that person comes online the script will change your status to what you have selected. You need to be logged in for it to work, obviously.
I also have an suggestion, tho I don't use the script myself: Make it possible order the people, so that the priorities for different persons are different (say you have your mother and offline status at number 1 and girlfriend/online at number 2, you mother logs in first and the script changes status to offline, but when your gf logs on it would not change status to online because your mother is still online [maybe it could notify you of the fact that a person with lower priority has signed in? tbh, it should also always notify when automatically changing status, which ofc could be disabled by the user])