Originally posted by Eddie
That puts the picture on the top/left corner of the window Iguess you know how to change that
Worked, however it goes behind the background i have implemented on the BuddyList.
well it should not, here is what I did:
<Element id=atom(mainwndcontainer) Layoutpos=client Layout=FillLayout() background=argb(0,0,0,0) Class="HIGStandardFont">
<Element Background=rcbkd("msgr",625) LayoutPos=client/>
<Element Background=rcbkd("msgr",59147) LayoutPos=client/>
<Element Layout=BorderLayout()>
<Element id=atom(header) Layoutpos=top Height=0/>
<Element Layout=BorderLayout() layoutPos=Top>
<Element padding=rect(0,0,0,0) content=rcbkd(59148) layoutpos=Right/>
in chat window code is way different...
<Element id=atom(header) Layoutpos=top Height=0/>
<Element id=atom(vapor) ContentAlign=rcint(21079)/>
<Element Layout=FillLayout()>
<Element layoutpos=client layout=FillLayout() background=rcclr("msgr",1826)>
<Wallpaperview Id=atom(wallpaper) LayoutPos=client Background=rcbkd(59181) Thumbnail=false Active=0 Enabled=false/>
<Element Layout=BorderLayout() layoutPos=bottom>
<Element padding=rect(0,0,0,0) content=rcbkd(59148) layoutpos=Right/>
<DynBkgnd id=atom(flashbackground) class="noncaptionable" layout=FillLayout() enabled=true>
does that work? it does for me on both windows i can give you an example skin if u ask for it