Originally posted by matty
Originally posted by Wii
For Script Installation:
1. Install Script
2. Close Messenger
3. Enable Script
4. Open Messenger
Thats it
You don't need to exit messenger...
You can use the SendMessage API to send a message to the MessengerPlusLive_MsgPump window to force it to reload ALL scripts.
Great way to reload scripts but for my scripts => its not work.
Because, only if user open a messenger program, my dll loaded, unless its not loaded. For example, someone edit my script and save&reload, my dll just stop to working. But when user close all messenger windows and re-open clearly, its work.
(Because im using extra Type Library and pre-requisties for messenger. I need to close and re-open messenger.)
As for as i say this is very complex but clean extension.
But keep me posting because your messages really useful. I will save this messages to my archive