Originally posted by Red Blood
Alright like first I would make a new hotmail account Ex:Rpg1@hotmail.com (Just example) Then I want to make it so for example when you type /Test that code only works on Rpg1@hotmail.com and then it will have no effect if I try it on another email.
So you don't actually want to send a message to another player, you want it to just be the script works only on your DM account for instance?
If you were to set a variable for the DM then you could just use an if to do it.
var DM = "rpg1@hotmail.com";
function OnEvent_ChatWndSendMessage(ChatWnd,Message)
if ((Message =="/Test") && (Messenger.MyEmailAddress == DM))
var Message = "Testing";
MsgPlus.DisplayToast("Alert", Message);
Apologies for the bad code. I'm a little rusty, but you get the gist and hopefully it'll help you out a bit.