Originally posted by BrutuZ
The solution for the no saving problem was given somewhere in this topic, if i remember well you must search you Configuration.js file for all occourences of Yes and change them into true.
BTW. I took the liberty to edit the script code myself and it seems to be working fine with the (not so) recent changes in Xfire. This is what i got, feel free to do it too, but do it at your own risk (always wanted to say that ^^).
First, on your General Functions.js, add the following lines (beggining or end of the file, doesn't really matters):
And voilá, this may do the trick and your AppMon+ should be recognizing Xfire games again =)
Thanks BrutuZ for that script, but I found some issue in. The server information was wrong, if the game don't have server, the script was take the next server info on the next game in the list. So, I think I fixed it well with my edit:
General Functions.js (Start read at the [Game#] and end at the first "Nothing" as it used to split each game)
//code by SpunkyLoveMuff, fixed by mrbuerger
function ReadINI(path, header, key){
var bFound = false, i = -1, out = "", s = "", fso, f, t;
try {
fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
f = fso.OpenTextFile(path, 1, false);
while (!f.AtEndOfStream){
s = f.readline();
if (s.indexOf(";") == 0){
if (s.toLowerCase() == "\[" + header.toLowerCase() + "\]") {
bFound = true;
if (s.toLowerCase() == "") {
bFound = false;
if (bFound) {
i = s.indexOf("=");
if (i > -1) {
t = s.substring(0, i);
if (key.toLowerCase() == t.toLowerCase()){
out = s.substring(i + 1, s.length);
f = null;
fso = null;
out = e.description;
return out;
The replacement in
AppMon.js (Don't display empty server detail [] anymore)
status = ReadINI(inipath,'STATUS','Summary');
if(status=='In Game'){
gameno = ReadINI(inipath,'STATUS','InGame');
xfireingame = true;
gamename = ReadINI(inipath,gameno,'LongName');
server = ReadINI(inipath,gameno,'Server');
xfmessage = gamename+' ['+server+']';
xfmessage = gamename;
icon = 'Games';
if(!found){ message = xfmessage; }
else{ message+= ' | '+xfmessage; }
found = true;
statuschangelist[statuschangelist.length] = xfirestatus;
xfireingame = false;