Originally posted by felipEx
Unfortunately that website doesn't seem to be loading here... just wondering what do you get as output so we can have a look.
Also, you might want try out this online-JSON-editor and play around with JSON
Cheers felipEx, I'm having a look over that. I'd gotten pretty similar to what you just showed me, but not working.
Heres what I get from the JSON page. It's been trimmed, but just by removing a couple fields, so as not to be too cluttered.
SONIC THE HEDGEHOG:{"Title":"Sonic The Hedgehog","PSM":"A blue streak speeds by - It\\'s Sonic The Hedgehog"}
Sonic The Hedgehog:{"Title":"Sonic The Hedgehog","PSM":"Faster than the naked eye - It\\'s Sonic The Hedgehog"}
I'm having trouble with the eval function however. I kept getting "Error: Expected ';' (code: -2146827284)". Now that I've changed it to your however, with the extra "(" and ")" in it, I instaed get "Error: Expected ')' (code: -2146827282)".
The exact line used is
var results = eval( "(" + http.responseText + ")" );
(I already had it setup using http as my var, so I figured it was easier to change that than all of mines.. lazy you kniow)
- Out of interest, why are the extra brackets added? Just so I fully understand the code I use.