Willz surprises us with yet another amazing skin... Installed and using!
Originally posted by James Potter
Btw, the text box (where you write), is buggy when using "Raavi" as font and 14pt as font size. =\ Buggy in the sense that text is not displayed, but emoticons are. I will need to click on the "Choose font" button and click "OK" every time to make the text appear.
Yes, I'm having the same problem. The text appears in white first and when I open the Choose Font dialog and press OK, the text appears but the color appears slightly lighter in the text box than the one I chose.
Oh, and is it really necessary to reduce the opacity of the text in the chat history? I prefer readable text, but it could just be on purpose for this kind of skin. Although maybe that opacity change could be the cause of these kinds of side effects... I don't know...
Never mind! The minor hotfix release fixed all those tiny problems for me!
Great job, Willz!