You mean something like:
JScript code:
for(var i = 0; i < MyArray.length; i++) {
I may recommend using a different solution than using 2 arrays and hoping they will remain synchronised:
JScript code:
/* CLASS Item([string] ID: the ID you stored in the Test array,
[string] Desc: the description you stored in the TestDesc array);*/
var Item = function(ID,Desc) {
return {
"ID": ID,
"Desc": Desc
// Array of Item instances.
var MyArray = [
new Item(
"test 1",
"This is test 1"),
new Item(
"test 2",
"This is test 2"),
new Item(
"test N",
"This is test N")
// Assume window is loaded and is assigned to WndTest;
for(var i = 0; i < MyArray.length; i++) {
with(WndTest) {
Note that this is untested code.