Umm... I can't seem to get that to work - I just get an error saying "Expected }".
Basically, I have a main (editor) window, like this:
js code:
var WndWriterEditor = MsgPlus.CreateWnd("Windows.xml", "WndWriterEditor", 0);
Let's say, the user creates a new item with the AddItem window:
js code:
var WndWriterAddItem = MsgPlus.CreateWnd("Windows.xml", "WndWriterAddItem", 0);
The form includes an ID, title, description. The user enters the following information:
ID = "Test", Title = "My Little Test", and Description = "This is a little test of mine...".
js code:
var WndID = WndWriterAddItem.GetControlText("EdtID");
var WndTitle = WndWriterAddItem.GetControlText("EdtTitle");
var WndDesc = WndWriterAddItem.GetControlText("EdtDesc");
I need that to be added to a ListViewControl, like:
js code:
WndWriterEditor.LstView_AddItem("LstWindows", WndID);
WndWriterEditor.LstView_SetItemText("LstWindows", 0, 1, WndTitle);
WndWriterEditor.LstView_SetItemText("LstWindows", 0, 2, WndDesc);
But it needs to work out how many items have been made, so it can add data to the right ones, and it needs to be done with every filled-in form. I also need it so that they can be edited and deleted. I know that you can check if a particular ListViewControl entry is selected:
js code:
WndWriterEditor.LstView_GetSelectedState("LstWindows", 0);
But can you get it so it checks the entire list, and returns the identifier of the selected item, rather than true or false for one entry?