Originally posted by Jstnfox
As you can also see by the list there was an influx of new skins between AUG-SEP 2008. So why has it come to a virtual halt?
Skinning hasn't come to a virtual halt, they are being created in the same pase as always. But during that period in 2008 there was a
skinning contest to advertise the new skinning engine. Hence the big increase in skins being released and rereleased (as some already existed but got an update for the contest) during august and september.
In regards to updating skins for WLM2009: As Microway said, making (decent) skins isn't easy and takes a lot of work and a lot of dedication. All skinners are people who still go to school, have work, etc. And skinning is done as a hobby.
Animation isn't possible AFAIK in skins. Though it might be a interesting idea for Patchou to look into.