Originally posted by Vimto
I've considered laser eye surgery. My eyes are -3.50 (left) and -4.75 (right). I have no idea what that means though
I currently wear contacts, but if you think about the money in one year you spend on contacts, for me around £240, I've had contact lenses for about 5 years now, so all in all they have cost me £1200 approx. Correct me if I'm wrong but this is more than the cost for the surgery. The clinic I looked at were offering £395 per eye.
I am interested in this because, well, I see nothing wrong with glasses or lenses, I guess I'm just lazy, I'd like to be able to see all of the time without having to resort to wearing glasses or contacts.
Sure you may have to get it re-done or w.e but isn't it worth it? It's hassle free, you don't have to put contacts in every day or wear glasses and it's cheaper in the long run.
I dont see why many people adore lenses actually, they only avoid you from wearing glasses I guess and glasses are not that bad. Also, it's not like they are cheap or anything. But, thinking about the successful result (obtaining permanent perfect vision) of a lasik surgery is worth consideration for sure if all that is true though. However, Im still confused about its results and I'm also wondering whether the result depends mainly on the surgeon or something else is involved. Finally, money is not the issue if the result is going to be actually worthy.
[Even Vimto pointed that its cheaper than lenses on the long run]