Umm... (well, I was about to say there was a problem with line 30, but I found the spelling mistake
Function called: OnEvent_Initialize
Error: Object expected (code: -2146823281)
File: __FnWindowParser.js. Line: 46.
Error: Object expected (code: -2146823281)
File: __FnWindowParser.js. Line: 46.
Function OnEvent_Initialize returned an error. Code: -2147352567
Line 46:
js code:
if(ControlId in ret.Interface[WindowId].Controls[ControlType]) // ...
Is that what verifies if two control IDs match? What is the object invovled?
EDIT: there's a similar problem with the Element check as well:
Error: Object expected (code: -2146823281)
File: __FnWindowParser.js. Line: 61.
Error: Object expected (code: -2146823281)
File: __FnWindowParser.js. Line: 61.
Function OnEvent_Initialize returned an error. Code: -2147352567
Line 61:
js code:
if(ElementId in ret.Interface[WindowId].Elements[ElementType]) // ...