What do you mean? The command doesn't need any input, I just need to run that command as it is. The file.dvi file is created just before that (with the latex command), and the dvipng commands creates a PNG image from the dvi file.
Anyway, I found the following code on another forum and this seems to work. I don't really know what I'm doing here though lol:
jscript code:
// -----------------
// Create DVI file and PNG file
// -----------------
var batFile = fso.CreateTextFile(path + "\\batFile.bat", true);
batFile.WriteLine("cd " + path);
batFile.WriteLine("latex file.tex");
batFile.WriteLine("dvipng -T tight -x 1200 -z 9 file.dvi");
var shell = new ActiveXObject('WScript.Shell');
var oExec = shell.Exec(path + "\\batFile.bat");
while (oExec.Status == 0)
oExec = null;
shell = null;
Anyway.. it creates the PNG image
All that's left now is displaying it in a window!
Unfortunately, I haven't got a clue how to start lol... Do I need a separate XML editor? I have Visual Studio, maybe I can use that?
I suppose there is no visual editor? Eg, I cannot see the window before compiling the XML code?
Actually all I need is one window, roughly the size of the PNG image created, displaying the PNG image. Perhaps a button to close it, but that's not even a requirement. What controls am I looking at? In C# or VB I would use a picturebox, but there doesn't seem to be one..?