Originally posted by thalesaraujo
Hi There.
I have a question:
I am using Answer Machine for something like an Auto Service. Every Time people come to my chat window with any fragments with the "A" and "O" letters, like "hello", "holla", "good morning" my menu opens, then they navigate in menu thru numbers.
The problem is, every time an A or O letters are pressed, the menu is displayed again. I want to find some configuration that only for the first time or just for one time it would be displayed. Is that Possible?
I don't think this script alone has the hability to check if it's the first time the expression is used (just to count amount of times it occurs in a sentence), it would be cool though. In flex that was possible making pseudo states and stuff...
Maybe you could try to recognize wich words people generally use to greet you, in wich parts of the sentences those words occur (^ and $) and try to make a almost universal regex. Like those examples you gave (hello", "holla", "good morning") separated by |.
Then for the numbers of the menu use a unusual expression like opt1, opt2, to reduce the probability of someone invoking that expression without wanting.