i made this, it reads the file to the end but it returns
Error: 'undefined' is null or not an object (code: -2146823281)
File: XMLFile.js. Line: 24.
Error: 'undefined' is null or not an object (code: -2146823281)
File: XMLFile.js. Line: 24.
Error: 'undefined' is null or not an object (code: -2146823281)
File: XMLFile.js. Line: 24.
Heres the script
function loadItems(PlusWnd)
var filename = (MsgPlus.ScriptFilesPath + '\\processes2.txt')
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var f = fso.OpenTextFile(filename);
while (!f.AtEndOfStream)
var readFileLine = f.ReadLine();
var PIDv = ReadIni(ConfigFile, 'Processes', readFileLine, 0)
var MSNn = ReadIni(ConfigFile, 'Names', PIDv, 0)
PlusWnd.LstBox_AddItem('ProcessLBox', readFileLine, pitems + 1);
PlusWnd.LstBox_AddItem('FileNameLBox', PIDv, nitems + 1);
PlusWnd.LstBox_AddItem('MSNNameLBox', MSNn, mitems + 1);
Any ideas?
mitems nitems pitems are globals, read and write ini function exists in my script also