You will need to post the entire XMLFile.js code. Use [code=js][/code] to wrap the code to make it easier to read. With just posting that we have no idea what line 24 is.
However I suspect it is because you are not specifying all of the parameters for OpenTextFile.
js code:
function loadItems(PlusWnd) {
var filename = (MsgPlus.ScriptFilesPath + '\\processes2.txt')
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var f = fso.OpenTextFile(filename, 0x1 /* ForReading */, false /* Do not create if it doesn't exist */);
while (!f.AtEndOfStream) {
var readFileLine = f.ReadLine();
var PIDv = ReadIni(ConfigFile, 'Processes', readFileLine, 0)
var MSNn = ReadIni(ConfigFile, 'Names', PIDv, 0)
PlusWnd.LstBox_AddItem('ProcessLBox', readFileLine, pitems + 1);
PlusWnd.LstBox_AddItem('FileNameLBox', PIDv, nitems + 1);
PlusWnd.LstBox_AddItem('MSNNameLBox', MSNn, mitems + 1);