i am trying to highliht key word such as "def, if, else ..." to do a window whis syntax colorizing.
I try this and give you feedback.
EDIT: here's my XML:
<Control xsi:type="RichEditControl" Id="txtMessage">
<Position Top="15" Width="350" Height="350" Left="5"/>
<TextMode>Rich Text</TextMode>
Here's your function:
function OnWndScriptEnvEvent_EditTextChanged( pPlusWnd, sControlId ) {
if ( sControlId === 'txtMessage' ) {
var hObjWnd = pPlusWnd.GetControlHandle ( sControlId );
Interop.Call( 'user32', 'SendMessageW', hObjWnd, EM_SETSEL, 0, 10 );
It always replace what i'm typing, so there is just one letter written ... but i can change this letter because it's selected.
What i'm looking for is like the Messenger Plus! Script Editor, i mean when i type "if" in the editor, it's autamatically blue colored ...
I think that the editor is a RichEdit, so i can do that too, or not ?
Do you know if <WantTabs> work with msn plus! and richedit ? because when i delete <WantReturn> pushing Enter doesn't work.
I want to use TAB to do a \t (like in Scripting Environment of MSN plus!).