Originally posted by pardaL
Originally posted by Volv
The point is that you're not getting a prize. If you want you can sue him and have a judge make a fool of you, not that you need much help with that.
Volv, I think you are another one that have a dificult understanding.
(It's starting being tiring...)
I'm realy not here, answering you guys, spending my patience and my time, just for the prize. I don't care much about the prizes. And I'm realy not here to offend you guys and be offended. I don't need to reach this point because you already do it with yourself when you write your posts. I'm just here again, answering again, because always when I come I see another fool post. But I'm tired about it and I'm done.
I just think you guys aren't being fair and aren't respecting the rules.
The only fool here is you. The rules are clear. No one is being unfair here except for you, it's not okay to cheat
some of the time (by the rules or otherwise), you gave yourself an unfair advantage whether or not you won a prize while you were actually cheating.