O.P. New idea for script
i have an idea for script thet will do this things
its will work like call to some company so you get on the linebot thet ask yuo if you need support or sales and you press 1 or 2 etc
i want script thet will do same thing but not with phone but with the messenger so this what i want the script will do
some one open conversation and he get auto massge thet say to him press 1 or to for sales or support or languge what ever and then wena he choice (its can be intergrate to answer machine too becouse its havbe 40% of what the script dose do) oh and you set the keys he can put by the way if he write another key example you put key 1 but he write 2 so he get the massge again to write the right key afther he choice for example key 1 its move him to another massenger account
i hope this can be made maybe do 2-3 messenger accounts and do some control panel of them thet you will intergrate to this script