Originally posted by CookieRevised
Originally posted by Chris4
1. Go to address bar (CTRL+L).
2. Type Google.com, press enter.
3. Type search query, press enter.
No mouse movement involved and you don't need to see the other unneeded links.
You will never convince me of its usage or effeciency.
What Menthix said, and for those who don't search directly from the address-bar:
When you're browsing the web and suddenly want to look something up, I bet you do use your mouse because you were scrolling a page before or whatever. I never saw anybody leaving there mouse when they suddenly wanted to go to Google. Everybody I know click somewhere (address-bar, or button or whatever) to go to google.com, and only then start to type the query, after moving the mouse cursor a bit to get it out of the way.
It is 100% useless and inefficient eyecandy.
PS: and it are exactly those 'unneeded' links I often use.
Originally posted by Chris4
You can always disable it.
That's BS imho... So I need to install something else to disable it?????? It should be the other way around...
(and who wants to disable JS?... I might as well switch to my text browser then)
oh no! a service you don't pay for now does something you don't want it to do!
does anyone do anything apart from whine these days?