I've decided to rewrite Advanced PSM Chat, and it's nearly finished.
One of the cool new features is, that it has Language packs!
Currently it now has a Dutch and an English translation.
It comes in the form of a script file, so do not download from any other sources but the first post of this thread.
See the attachment for the English translation, and how to translate, and then post it back here so I can include it in the new release.
Also if you don't want your accountname to be used in the About window, be sure to include it in your post
Happy translating!
* Please translate this into your language, and post it on http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?tid=67394
* Read carefully what to translate. This is a real script. Download languages only from the link above.
//Translate the strings
var PSM_IDLE = "Your text here? Type !psm <message>";
var RESPONSE_WAIT = "Thank you. Your message is placed inline.";
var RESPONSE_NOWAIT = "Thank you. Your message is displayed.";
var COMMAND_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TITLE = "An error occurred:";
var COMMAND_NOT_RECOGNIZED = "The command you just typed had not been recognized.\n";
COMMAND_NOT_RECOGNIZED += "Try '/apsm help'.";
//Translate every second string
function translateAbout(PlusWnd){
PlusWnd.SetControlText("BtnCancel", "Cancel");
PlusWnd.SetControlText("Lblversion", "Version:");
PlusWnd.SetControlText("Lblwho", "by Sander Koning");
PlusWnd.SetControlText("Lblother", "Key functions:");
PlusWnd.SetControlText("Lblf1", "- Everyone can chat through your PSM");
PlusWnd.SetControlText("Lblf2", "- Command-based configuration");
PlusWnd.SetControlText("Lblf3", "- Queueing of messages");
function translateConfig(PlusWnd){
PlusWnd.SetControlText("Enabled", "Enable");
PlusWnd.SetControlText("lblMAXLENGTHSENDER", "Characters to truncate the name:");
PlusWnd.SetControlText("lblTIMEELAPSEMESSAGE", "Seconds to display a psm:");
PlusWnd.SetControlText("BtnReset", "Reset");
PlusWnd.SetControlText("BtnSave", "Save");
PlusWnd.SetControlText("BtnCancel", "Cancel");
//Translate the phrases in the tags (not the attributes)
function OnGetScriptMenu(Location){
var ScriptMenu = "<ScriptMenu>";
ScriptMenu += "<MenuEntry Id=\"MnuOn\">Turn On</MenuEntry>";
ScriptMenu += "<MenuEntry Id=\"MnuOff\">Turn Off</MenuEntry>";
if(Location >= 2){
ScriptMenu += "<Separator/>";
ScriptMenu += "<MenuEntry Id=\"MnuBlock\">Block contacts</MenuEntry>";
ScriptMenu += "<MenuEntry Id=\"MnuUnblock\">Unblock contacts</MenuEntry>";
ScriptMenu += "<Separator/>";
ScriptMenu += "<MenuEntry Id=\"MnuReset\">Reset</MenuEntry>";
ScriptMenu += "<Separator/>";
ScriptMenu += "<MenuEntry Id=\"MnuConf\">Configure</MenuEntry>";
ScriptMenu += "<MenuEntry Id=\"MnuAbout\">About</MenuEntry>";
ScriptMenu += "</ScriptMenu>";
return ScriptMenu;
// Translate everything in the Description tags
function OnGetScriptCommands(){
var ScriptCommands = "<ScriptCommands>";
ScriptCommands += "<Command>";
ScriptCommands += "<Name>apsm on</Name>";
ScriptCommands += "<Description>Turns Advanced PSM Chat ON</Description>";
ScriptCommands += "<Parameters></Parameters>";
ScriptCommands += "</Command>";
ScriptCommands += "<Command>";
ScriptCommands += "<Name>apsm off</Name>";
ScriptCommands += "<Description>Turns Advanced PSM Chat OFF</Description>";
ScriptCommands += "<Parameters></Parameters>";
ScriptCommands += "</Command>";
ScriptCommands += "<Command>";
ScriptCommands += "<Name>apsm reset</Name>";
ScriptCommands += "<Description>Empties the queue, and the PSM</Description>";
ScriptCommands += "<Parameters></Parameters>";
ScriptCommands += "</Command>";
ScriptCommands += "<Command>";
ScriptCommands += "<Name>apsm config</Name>";
ScriptCommands += "<Description>Opens the Configuration window</Description>";
ScriptCommands += "<Parameters></Parameters>";
ScriptCommands += "</Command>";
ScriptCommands += "<Command>";
ScriptCommands += "<Name>apsm about</Name>";
ScriptCommands += "<Description>Opens the About window</Description>";
ScriptCommands += "<Parameters></Parameters>";
ScriptCommands += "</Command>";
ScriptCommands += "<Command>";
ScriptCommands += "<Name>apsm block</Name>";
ScriptCommands += "<Description>Puts all the people in the convo on the blocklist</Description>";
ScriptCommands += "<Parameters></Parameters>";
ScriptCommands += "</Command>";
ScriptCommands += "<Command>";
ScriptCommands += "<Name>apsm unblock</Name>";
ScriptCommands += "<Description>Removes all the people in the convo from the blocklist</Description>";
ScriptCommands += "</Command>";
ScriptCommands += "</ScriptCommands>";
return ScriptCommands;