O.P. Display Picture Crashes Internet!
Short story: MSN disconnects my wireless connection when I set a display picture or Private Message.
Well I noticed that every single time I assign a display picture to my Windows Live account I get an abrupt disconnection from my wireless service. I do not have any firewalls running, and this is the only thing that causes it to happen. I can use MSN fine on Windows Messenger or Windows Live as long as I do not assign a display picture or a personal message. This interaction with the server to update/change the information for the DP/PM seem to be causing it.
Is there any known fixes? Anyone have similar issues? I would love to be able to fully customize my MSN but this is preventing me from doing so. So please if anyone have any fixes for this problem, post here!
Steps already taken;
1. Uninstalled MSN / Reinstalled
2. Updated drivers for wireless router.
3. Disabled all firewalls and port blockers, which there were none.